Rules, Rules, Rules

Have you ever thought about why rules exist? I’m sure there really are stupid rules, but often, the rules only seem senseless because we don’t understand the reason behind the rule. Appreciation comes from understanding the “why”.

It’s so easy to break a rule if we don’t understand the “why”. Many rules are for protection, guidance, and to make life more enjoyable.

Think about the rules others have established in your life. Think about God’s rules. Take the time to find out why those rules are in place.

What rules have you established for others? Have you communicated the “why” behind your rules?

Understanding often takes the drudgery out of following. In fact, it can lead us to a place of appreciation.

Yes, there are those who abuse their authority and create rules for the wrong reasons, but don’t assume the worst. Take the time to discover the thoughtfulness, concern, and even love behind many of the rules you are asked to follow.