My Only Response

This blog entry will be my only response to all the angry and vicious comments to my tweet “God has a great plan for your life! Embrace it.

Jer. 29:11 is a verse that declares this. I have stood on this verse for comfort and strength during times of suffering, loss, sorrow, pain, sickness, and disease.  I have prayed this for others as I have stood with them and walked through the difficult times they endured.

Without embracing God’s Word we would surely give up in difficult times. I believe Job stood on this truth of God’s Word, which gave him the strength to endure when his own wife told him to curse God and die.

The big picture of God’s plan is glorious. Yes, we will have times of suffering, but we must choose to trust God and embrace His plan, knowing that He loves us dearly. We trust that He will take what the enemy means for evil and bring good out of it.