Walk, Don’t Squawk

We all get caught in uncomfortable situations whether it’s complaining, gossiping, dirty jokes, etc.  You don’t have to stay and participate.  You have the choice to walk away.  You don’t have to be rude about it but you can leave, even if it’s excusing yourself to use the restroom.

Some people participate to fit in.  Some fear rejection.  We can be free to be who we are.  If people don’t like us because our choice is different from their choice; it indicates they have a problem.  Don’t take on their problem.

Not everyone will like you.  Not everyone will accept you.  Don’t let your insecurities control your actions.  Rise up and be who you are.  Take a stand.  Don’t condemn others but don’t participate to gain acceptance.

Be a leader and lead by example.  Seek to live your life in a way that is uplifting, inspiring, and helpful to others.

Got Garbage?

I’m sure you’ve heard the old adage, “Garbage in, garbage out.”  From a spiritual standpoint, there’s a lot of garbage that contaminates us.  It’s easy to listen to music, watch movies, and read books that aren’t all that bad…or are they?

What are you feeding your mind?  What are you allowing in?  What’s influencing your decisions?  What’s swaying your character?

We’re all aware that a steady diet of French fries, ice-cream, brownies, cookies, and cakes will not nourish our bodies.  In fact, it will quickly make us sick.

Sometimes I wonder if all the escalated violence in the world today isn’t somehow related to the violent games and movies.  I can’t help but think that violent entertainment has at least a small effect if not more.

What do you want to produce in your life?  Work it backwards.  Maybe you need to get rid of some garbage.  Do some housecleaning.  Change the motto to “Good in, good out.”

Don’t Get Distracted

There are many voices calling out to us and many things that can distract us from moving forward in our destiny.  Keep your focus straight ahead.

There’s a time to stop and smell the flowers, a time to reminisce, a time to reflect, and a time to enjoy the beauty around you but you must maintain your focus on the goal ahead.

For those of us who multitask, it’s even easier to get distracted.  Sometimes, I find the biggest distractions come when I find the path a bit rocky and hard going.

Are you easily distracted?  Are you avoiding things you don’t like?  What’s holding you back in life?  Can you identify those stumbling blocks?

Self-awareness is important when it comes to self-improvement.  An openness to see our weaknesses and flaws is the first step in dealing with the things that hold us back.

You have mountains to climb and greater heights to soar.  You have an amazing destiny.  Don’t get distracted.