Never Closed

Have you ever gone somewhere only to discover it was closed? Maybe you went to a restaurant for a special lunch. Perhaps you dropped in on a friend but they weren’t home? Situations like these can range from frustrating to disappointing.

Did you know that God’s always available? He’s always willing to listen and talk. It doesn’t matter what shape you’re in or what you’ve done, you are always welcome.

He’s never too busy, and He’ll never reject you. Quite the opposite! He waits for you with open arms. No appointment or reservation needed.

He’ll sit and listen. He’ll give His advice – if you want it. He’ll love on you and encourage you. He’s the greatest friend you could ever have.

Is Something Eating At You?

Worry, stress, guilt, and shame are a few of the things that eat away at you. These little destroyers can wreak  havoc in your body.

Unfortunately, many people are oblivious to the amount of stress they are under until it’s too late.

Sit down and make a list of the things that are bothering you. Some may include health issues, financial problems, relationship struggles, too much or too little work, needing a change in your career, or needing to bring balance in your schedule.

The demands of life can slowly increase until you feel weighed down and unable to cope. Don’t let things get that far.

Take your list and go through it one by one. Are there changes you can make that will lighten your load or reduce your stress? As you work through your list, trust God to lead you in His plan for your life.

When He calls you to do something, He gives you the grace to carry it out. Don’t assume that what He called you to do yesterday, is what He is calling you to do tomorrow.

Keep checking in with Him. He will lead you in His will each day.

Wanting More?


Many things in life leave us wanting more: still hungry or thirsty, wanting more sweets or a better deal, inadequate pay check, not enough information. We want or need more, more, more.

More isn’t necessarily wrong. It can be a good thing. More of God is always good. A better understanding of His Word is beneficial. God is the One who truly satisfies. His Word is filled with everything we need to enjoy a fulfilled life.

Don’t settle for less when you can have more – more of everything that really matters. Go to the One who satisfies. Be filled to overflowing with all He has for you.

He’s waiting for you with open arms. He alone can satisfy every area of your life. He won’t leave you feeling empty. Emptiness comes right after temporary fulfillment. God’s fulfillment lasts forever.