God Puts The Pieces Together

God Puts The Pieces Together

Puzzles can provide hours of fun and entertainment – but they can become very frustrating. We can do with our lives like we do with puzzles – fit all the easy pieces together and then walk away. What about the hard parts? Some pieces don’t seem to fit and others seem to be missing! Don’t quit!

The Master Puzzler has your life all figured out. He knows where every piece fits. You may not see the whole picture – but He does. And that’s what counts!

Don’t try to figure your life out all on your own. Ask Him for His help and direction. There are pieces of your life that you aren’t even aware of, but He wants to show you. The picture is amazing and He wants you to see it.

He has created your life to be an adventure. You will discover untold blessings but you will also fight the good fight of faith. This side of heaven there are some raging storms but He has provided calm waters as well.

As you stay connected to Him, He will equip you with all you need. Your life will come together – with His help. And what an amazing picture it will be – framed by His glory!

More Than I Bargained For

More Than I Bargained For

It all began the day my son told me that his favourite dog was a Bull Mastiff. That conversation seemed to get the ball rolling. It was only a matter of days before a friend told me he met someone who was looking for a home for his English Mastiff. Bull Mastiff, English Mastiff – how was I to know there was a 100 pound difference!

The owner paid $10,000.00 for this dog and he was giving him away. I was interested. I’ve always loved a good deal and this was the best to date – or so I thought.

To make a long story short, Elvis moved all of his 260 pounds into our home where he truly lived up to his name “The King”.

Despite his many shortcomings – excessive daily shedding, sometimes extreme drooling, using my couch as a serviette, trying to sleep in my bed and ripping my sheets, jungle breath and the worst flatulence you can imagine, I fell in love with this gentle giant.

Yes, despite all his faults he was a wonderful and entertaining friend. The day Elvis left the building my heart broke. I am thankful for all the good times and great memories he left us with.

God used Elvis in my life to teach me many lessons. The greatest lesson was the day I sat on the end of my bed waiting for my turn in the bathroom. Elvis was sitting by my side as I was petting his soft face and simply enjoying him. I don’t remember the exact words that God spoke but He let me know that He enjoys His children in much the same way I was enjoying Elvis.

It’s important to be in the Word and in prayer but let’s not forget to take the time to sit in God’s presence, enjoying Him – even as He enjoys us.

Coloured Glasses

Coloured Glasses

We all have a different perspective on almost everything. It’s like we all have coloured glasses. Some wear rose coloured glasses and see only the positive in life. Some have lenses so dark they blot out the light leaving them in the dark where they feel sad and all alone. Most people have various pairs of different colours for different occasions.

Where do we get these coloured glasses? Life! Yes, life experiences of pain, joy, sorrow, excitement, sadness, and disappointment. All of these life experiences colour the way we view people, situations, and sometimes life in general.

Unfortunately, some of our coloured lenses hold us back in life. God doesn’t wear glasses. His truth is clear. When we read His Word we must choose to see through His eyes so we are not hindered by our life experiences.

Do you have a pair of coloured glasses that hold you back? Maybe it’s not the fashionable statement you think it is. It’s time to take the glasses off to see what God sees.