

I don’t watch a lot of T.V. but I happened to be watching the news one night when they gave a warning about the toxic Giant Hogweed. The very next day I was out walking with my camera, looking for pictures for my blog when I came across the culprit!

Had I not heard the warning I could have easily touched this toxic giant. When it comes in contact with skin it can cause severe burning and blistering and in worse cases, causes blindness.

Warnings can save us from a lot of danger, sorrow, and sometimes even death. The Word of God is full of warnings to spare us from the traps of the enemy. So many people see God as having a lot of rules, not realizing that He is warning us – to protect us!

Once we read the warnings, we have a choice to heed God’s advice or fall prey to the trap of the enemy. But what if we don’t know about the warning? This is exactly why it is so crucial to know the Word of God. God gave us His Word for protection and wisdom so we can be blessed.

Blowing in the Wind

Blowing in the Wind

You are a seed carrier and when the winds of adversity blow, the seeds within you will be dispersed. What will blow in the wind? Will it be love, patience, kindness, and mercy or will it be anger, harshness, impatience, or rudeness. Maybe it will be fear, doubt, or anxiety. Perhaps it will be control, intimidation, and manipulation. Whatever is inside will come out.

Where do the seeds go? Friends, family, co-workers, and even strangers will all be impacted by your seeds – good or bad. We never really know what’s inside of us until there is tension, stress, tragedy, or pressure.

The more we deal with life issues, the better off we all are. Too many people refuse to deal with problems. Instead they bury them only to see them resurrected in tough times. When those times come what will surface in your heart? What will the wind carry to others? May the seeds of your heart and mine be that of love, patience, kindness, and mercy.

The Ultimate Cover-Up

The Ultimate Cover-Up

A pristine blanket of white snow. How beautiful! But what’s underneath? In this case it was water – but what was the condition of the water?

How many times have we hid behind a fake smile, a designer outfit, or even a group of popular friends? We can all look good on the outside but what do our hearts look like? Do they reflect the love and beauty of Christ or are they filled with bitterness, hatred, unforgiveness, and selfishness?

Sometimes we can see through the cover-ups but sometimes we can’t. Some people are really good at hiding because of fear of rejection. Aren’t we all imperfect? Yet, we have been made perfect in Christ. It’s not about us – it’s about Him!

When we take our eyes off of ourselves and focus on Him, the need to cover up our flaws or sins fades away. It’s better to have a pure heart and to have someone throw mud on us than to look great on the outside and be like the Pharisees on the inside. Jesus called the Pharisees white-washed tombs.

Let’s discard our cover-ups and focus on the One who can purify our hearts.