Can you imagine?

Can you imagine?

Dreaming starts by imagining the plans God has for you. What do you see? Do you see through the dismal circumstances you are facing? Or do you see the blueness of the sky, the brightness of the sun, and the incredible things that God has planned for you?

Dreaming is seeing what God sees, the plans He has for you, and the glorious future He has prepared – for you!

If you’re standing on the shore looking at the wonderful island beyond the sea, ask God to show you the way. It may look out of reach but it really isn’t. He has made a way for you to get where He wants you to be. You have a part to play but you cannot get there on your own. You must start by seeing what He sees.

Begin to dream. We rarely make dreams up. Dreams are looking at the pictures God places inside of us. He places the dreams in our hearts to inspire and encourage. Without the dream we will never take the next step of faith.

The Storm is Coming!

The Storm is Coming!

When you see the storms of life coming – what do you do? Do you run and hide under the sheets? Do you run for all your worth in an attempt to outrun the storm?

Ignoring the storm never solves the problem. In fact, you could lose your life this way. If you run from the storm, do you know what you are running from or are you simply running in fear?

God sees the storms coming before we do. He knows what’s behind the storm clouds. Sometimes those clouds look nasty but blow over leaving us unscathed. Other times the clouds are nothing more than the rain we need. Have you ever danced in the rain? It can be fun.

Sometimes we need to evacuate. When God tells us to move we need to move – not out of fear but out of obedience to His wisdom.

No one is a better spiritual weather discerner than God. When you see the storm coming – run to Him to find out His plan. This way – no matter what you do – peace can rule in your heart! And one of these days, He’ll tell you to dance in the rain!

Are You Blending In or Standing Out?

Are You Blending In or Standing Out?

It’s easy to go with the flow. But are you compromising? Are you walking in integrity or are you blending in with those around you? A little dishonesty here and there won’t hurt – will it?

The world has a standard of average but we should live a life that stands out. When someone undercharges you or gives you too much change back are you silent or do you let them know? Do you always try to be honest or do you tell little white lies?

Living a life above average will cause you to make choices that set you apart from the crowd. Don’t compromise in order to blend in. Stand strong in what you believe. Live life on purpose and make a difference!

Anyone can be average. Anyone can blend in with the crowd but it takes character and integrity to stand up for what you believe. It takes guts to stand out because you make the best choices. Those choices affect all of life and everyone around you.