Life Hurts


Has life been hard on you? Perhaps you have lost your job or been deeply disappointed. Maybe you have lost a loved one or been rejected or mistreated by someone close to you. You may be dealing with loneliness or struggling with sickness. Everyone has struggles – some more than others. Life hurts but God heals.

He wants us to come to Him so that He can comfort and heal us. Sometimes the emotional wounding is harder to deal with than the physical. Both can be unbearable at times if we don’t have God. Even as believers we must choose to go to Him with our needs. He waits for us to come, desiring to help us. He won’t force His love upon us but He does want us to come and receive from Him.

God wants to make us feel secure in His loving arms. He wants to wipe away our tears and heal the wounding. He wants to strengthen us in the areas we are weak and weary. He wants to impart to us the understanding of His immeasurable love.

Don’t stay stuck in your wounding. Go to Him and receive all the healing, comfort, and encouragement He has for you.



Do you sometimes feel as though your whole life is uprooted? Nothings seems to go right, what you thought was going to happen isn’t even on the radar anymore, and you are left feeling hopeless and maybe even depressed.

Sometimes it takes this kind of situation to get us to look at the bigger picture – God’s picture.We can hear from God and get His perspective on what we are to do but still put God in a box and see only what our finite minds can comprehend.

There’s more than one path to where we’re going.We might visualize the fastest, most direct way or even a scenic route but perhaps God is calling us to create a new way of getting to our destination.If this is the case, no matter how hard we try to get there our way, we will only become more and more frustrated until we eventually lose hope.

If you’re struggling with getting to where God wants you to be, ask Him for directions.Don’t assume you know the best way to get there or even the means of transportation.We serve a creative God who has millions of ways to get us to where we are going BUT usually has a specific way He wants us to go.His way is always the best way.



Although Hollywood’s Laugh Factory is one of the world’s most famous comedy clubs, laughter did not originate with man. Many people see Christianity as dull and boring but God is the Creator of laughter. In fact, He touts laughter as the best medicine we can take.

God’s sense of humour promotes healing and joy. He created you and I to laugh. He wants us to enjoy life and have fun – in Him, where the greatest fulfillment flows.

Don’t put God in a box and see Him all somber and sullen. He is the God who created laughter for medicine and fun! He created life for us to enjoy while we serve Him.

Take time each day to have a good laugh – yes a good belly laugh. It will do you good!