Is That Pollution Coming Out of You?

The words of our mouth are either positive or negative; encouraging or discouraging; based on truth or based on circumstances. When we look at situations from God’s perspective we can agree with what He has to say.

We must look at what is coming out of us. Are our words holding us down and polluting others or are we positive and encouraging?

Everyone struggles at times but when we run to God and see what He sees, we can change our view and turn any negativity around. I’m not talking about empty confessions. I’m talking about seeing what God sees and choosing to run with His program.

At the time, the cross did not look good to the disciples but God saw beyond the immediate circumstances. We sometimes get stuck there but God wants us to see what He sees. He took care of all of our problems at the cross of His Son. Can you see that? Can you see past the immediate black cloud of smoke? If not, simply ask God to show you – He will!

Where Are You Going?

Do you ever wonder where God is leading you? Do you ever wonder if you’re on the right path? Do you second guess, doubt, want to turn around, or get right off the path?
We can’t always see far ahead. Sometimes we feel like we’re on the road that leads to “Nowhere”. It seems like it goes on forever and ever.
God’s path isn’t always the nicest looking path but it is the path that leads to our destiny. It’s the path of Divine connections. It’s our path – created for us – on purpose, for a purpose.
God doesn’t make mistakes. He knows where He’s leading us. If we will trust Him, we will never be disappointed. We may wonder. We might have doubts. We may even get discouraged but if we keep close to Him and follow His leading – we will never be disappointed in the end result.
Disappointment arises when we don’t see the big picture. All too often we look at the small picture and think it’s the big picture. No matter how big we dream, God has a bigger dream for us. He wants us to trust Him.
Most of the time we see in the natural realm but God sees supernaturally – right to the end of the path. Think about it. The disciples of Jesus were discouraged, disappointed, and depressed when Jesus died on the cross. They saw the small picture and failed to see the bigger picture – victory of the cross.
Talk to God when the road you are walking on doesn’t look good or seem as though it’s leading anywhere. God has a plan – a marvelous plan! The path He created for you leads to your destiny!

He Loves Me…

He Loves Me...

Haven’t we all picked the little flower petals while chanting the phrase “He loves me, he loves me  not”? I started as a young child before even knowing who the “he” was. Now, when I see daisies I think of God and how the last petal is always “He loves me”.

God’s love for us is not based on our performance. He simply loves us. How refreshing it is to know that we don’t have to earn His love. How freeing to know that we cannot lose His love either.

People may reject God’s love but it doesn’t negate the fact that God still loves them. We sometimes make choices in our lives that break His heart as a Father but He still loves us and wants the very best for us.

Reminding ourselves of God’s unfailing, unconditional, and constant love will help us in many ways. His love brings security, acceptance, healing, and freedom. His love empowers us to endure the storms of life and conquer all obstacles.

Remember that ALL of God’s daisies declare – He loves you, He loves you, He loves you.