Children are taking turns holding and petting this Madagascar Hissing Cockroach! I thanked Leah’s Mom for showing me the pic before I saw Leah. My natural instinct would have been EEEEWWWWWWWW you touched the cockroach!!!!!!!
Instead, I acted excited that she got to hold it while I secretly cringed inside. Putting the cringing aside, I realized how powerful our reactions can speak. Fear can be a learned behavior. Children – as well as adults – are easily influenced by others.
We have been led to fear and we sometimes lead others down that stressful path. Fear is a warning signal for danger but sometimes we’ve learned to fear things that aren’t dangerous.
Do you have any fears? Perhaps you have learned fear from others. Changing our perspective is a powerful tool in conquering fear.
Call G O D
Do you know you have a hotline to Heaven? God is waiting to assist you at any given moment. In fact, He’s right there with you but He waits for an invitation to help.
He’s not just there to help us in times of crisis – He wants to daily lead us into the wonderful plans He has for us. He wants to talk to us about the things that are dear to His heart. He wants us to share our heart with Him. He wants to be an active participant in our lives.
Expectation allows us to hear His voice – a precious gift! There’s really nothing that compares to hearing Him speak to us. This two-way communication is part of the best friendship we can ever have – a friendship with God! He will always love us unconditionally, be our best supporter and cheerleader, and never disappoint or forsake us. A friendship with God is truly the best relationship we could ever have!
Don’t wait for a crisis – Call G O D now and enjoy the experience!
Are You Fat or Pregnant?
When it comes to reading our Bible, three things can happen. We can starve, become fat, or get pregnant. We starve – spiritually – when we don’t get enough of God’s Word. We become fat when we read the Word but don’t apply it to our lives. Sometimes, this happens because people don’t know how to do this step and other times people simply go through the motions of doing “the right thing”.
When we read the Bible and get revelation from God, it’s like we become pregnant with the truth of God’s Word. Just like in natural pregnancy, there is a time of growth in the womb and a preparation for birth.
When we are pregnant with a truth in the Word of God – a miraculous birth will take place. What are you believing God for? Maybe it’s a physical or emotional healing. Perhaps it’s a financial or relational breakthrough. Whatever it is – get pregnant! Get in the Word and allow God to speak to you.
His Word is alive and it will bring life in our lives when we plant the Word in our hearts and allow God to speak to us. Revelation requires us to be open to allow God to show us truth – and He wants to do that!
Dare to step out of your comfort zone. Ask God to reveal His Word to you. When His Word becomes alive in your heart, passion arises and the journey of life becomes exciting and fun.