Divine Appointments

Do you believe in Divine Appointments? I do. I believe God connects people all the time – for all kinds of reasons. Sometimes people need help and God connects them with the right person to help them.

God has people He wants to bring into our lives. He also wants to use us to touch others. The more receptive we are to being used by God – the more He uses us! It’s an exciting way to live.

We can trudge through the mundane tasks of life or we can make each day an adventure by asking God to give us Divine Appointments.

It’s exciting to be used by God. It’s also thrilling when He brings people our way for various needs as well.

I remember being in the automotive aisle of a store one day, asking God which product I needed. Minutes later, another customer approached me and helped me out. I was very grateful God answered my prayer through a Divine Appointment.

You just may be the answer to someone’s prayer today!

No Parking

Have you ever “parked” on the shore of life? Most of us have at one time or another. Parking gets us nowhere fast. Sometimes we simply need to step into the water.

Taking that first step can be difficult but it gives us momentum and speaks of a decision to move forward. Stepping into the water can also say, “God I need You”.

When we get off the shore, we are trusting God to move us by the wind of His Spirit. God has a specific direction He wants us to go in – the direction that will lead us to the plan and purpose He has created for us. When we allow Him to lead us, we step out on the adventure of our lives!

Choosing to “park” causes the days, weeks, months, and sometimes years to drift by leaving us empty and unfulfilled.

Don’t be afraid to take that step. Don’t think for a moment that God’s plan for your life isn’t the very best. You may not be able to see it but it’s big and glorious. Don’t settle for what you see on the shore. Dare to step into the water.


photography by Bunny Ninaber


Attitude is contagious. We are either spreading or catching positive or negative attitudes. Are you influencing or being influenced? Are you positive or negative?

So many people just go with the flow but we can be atmosphere changers. We don’t have to catch someone’s bad attitude. Instead, we can change the direction and steer others into an optimistic mood.

Sometimes negative attitudes naturally occur when someone is struggling through something. Encourage them. Impact their world. Help them see life from a different perspective.

I chose this pic – for my blog on attitude – a few days before Tiki suddenly died. Death – whether a loved one or a pet – is a difficult loss to cope with. The demons of “what if”, “if only”, and “I wish” can rob us of peace and precious memories.

Grief can hold us in a state of pain. Although no one can fix grief, we can come alongside others as they navigate these troubled waters. I would like to end this blog by saying, “My prayers are with you Jeff and Amanda as you grieve the loss of a very good friend”.