Take a Drink

Drink deeply of the truth of God’s Word. His Word is nourishment to our souls, peace to our minds, direction for our lives, and wisdom to live by. If we deprive ourselves of this supernatural refreshment we will find ourselves spiritually ill.

God gives us everything we need – and then some. It’s up to us whether we receive His provision and gifts. Drink. Drink deeply of His goodness.

Just as a young calf is drawn to its mother’s milk so God wants us to be drawn to His Word. Don’t look at the Bible through eyes of religion. Look at it as a love letter written to you from the One who gave His life for you so that you could be restored to God, healed, set free from bondage, and empowered to live a fulfilling, vibrant life.

Drink. Drink deeply and often so you will do all the great things God has prepared for you to do. It’s no ordinary life He has called you to live. It’s an exciting journey that you were created for.

Keep on drinking!

What’s Wrong With This Picture?

Is something out of place in your life? Maybe something doesn’t seem quite right. Sometimes we get so used to things being wrong that they become normal to us.

So many people hate change yet change should be a constant in our lives. We all have areas that need to change. For some it’s dealing with anger or fear. Others may struggle with doubt and unbelief. Priorities and time management is a big one for many. Developing character is a life-long pursuit.

To stay the same means to move backward in a fast forward world. You don’t have to grow at the same speed as everyone. Simply continue to move forward becoming as Matthew Kelly would say “The best version of you”.

If you’re not sure what to work on – ask God. He will show you and give you the grace and power to change.

God’s Thoughts

How many thoughts do you have in a day, a week, a month? Did you ever stop and think about how many thoughts God has? Ps. 139:17-18 in the Message Bible says, Your thoughts – how rare, how beautiful! God, I’ll never comprehend them! I couldn’t even begin to count them – any more than I could count the sand of the sea.

Did you ever stop to think that with that many thoughts God might want to share them with you? He does! He thinks about you all the time. He loves you, watches over you, and desires to speak to you.

Take a moment and quiet yourself. Tell God you’re listening and then wait to hear that sill small voice. It often sounds like your own voice in your head. You’ll know when it’s God. He’ll speak things to you that make you feel wonderfully loved. He’s not condemning or angry as some might think. He’s a loving Abba Daddy who desires a two-way relationship with His kids.

Talk to Him and listen. As often as you speak – He listens! As often as you listen – He speaks! It’s amazing. A relationship with God is the most exciting and fulfilling relationship you can possibly have.

Stop. Listen.

Enjoy the relationship!