Is This You?

Donkeys are stubborn animals. As much as I don’t want to put myself in the same category, I have to admit that I can sometimes be stubborn. How about you?

Are there times that you simply refuse to see truth? Do you balk at being open? Are you bent on being right? These obstinate decisions hinder us in many ways.

The more we dig in our heels and resist God’s leading, the more we lose out. We don’t know the best way – God does! He has the best plan for us – whether we see it or not.

Yielding to God is a choice of trust. God alone is trustworthy. Too many people see Him through religious do’s and don’ts, pious behavior, and distorted perspectives.

God wants us to enjoy a satisfying, loving relationship with Him. He wants to lead us in His amazing, fulfilling plan for our lives. The choice is ours though. Will we follow Him or will we resist?

I believe we only resist because we don’t see Him the way He really is. If we did, we wouldn’t think twice about trusting Him. We wouldn’t hesitate to follow His leading.

When you find yourself in that state of resistance, simply ask God to show you why you are resisting. He’ll speak to you and show you what lie you have believed about Him that is hindering you from moving forward in the most incredible plan of your life!

Your Sin Will Find You Out!

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The Bible tells us that our sin will find us out – so why do we try to hide our sins? Wouldn’t it make sense to talk to God, tell Him we’re sorry, and ask for His help to change?

Some people are better at self-discipline and making changes than others. No matter how good you may be, you’ll always be better at it with God’s help.

It takes a lot of effort to cover up our sins. It takes even more energy to fight off the guilt that comes as part of the package. When we are truly sorry, God extends forgiveness, mercy, healing, and cleansing from the defilement of sin.

The funny thing is – when we think we’re hiding our sin, most people see it! Don’t be fooled. Stop! Do yourself a favor. Have a chat with God and enjoy the freedom He wants you to have.

Thoughts Precede Actions

If you can control your thoughts – you can control your actions. Too many people try to change their actions without trying to change the way they think.

If you constantly entertain angry thoughts toward someone, it’s only a matter of time before you make an angry action – like speaking negatively about someone or taking revenge. If you think about eating something you shouldn’t, guess what you’ll end up eating? It’s inevitable. Our thoughts lead to actions.

If we want to change our actions we must take a hard look at our thoughts. Everyone thinks thoughts that aren’t the best – but what do we do with those thoughts? Do we follow God’s directive to take our thoughts captive? We choose what to think on. If a negative thought enters our mind, we have a choice to continue thinking that thought and the ones that will follow or we can refuse to muse!

When we refuse to think on negative thoughts, we replace the thought with one we choose to think on. We have a choice. Choose wisely!