Softening Of The Heart

Have you ever noticed that some people’s hearts are hardened more than others? Hardening our heart can be an automatic response to pain – a protective response. Past and present wounding and conflicts create a breeding ground for putting those walls up.

God’s Word instructs us to wash our hearts with the Word. As we open up to God and His Word, cleansing and healing occur which in turn softens the heart.

As much as we may have protective measures in place, only God can truly protect us. Yet, when we have walls up, God always remains on the other side of the wall. Our protective measures keep God and others at a distance.

The more we turn to God the easier it is to tear down the walls – not easy but easier. Tearing down the walls can be scary because we feel more vulnerable but in reality we are allowing God into that place of vulnerability where He will protect us.

Life can be painful. We must remember that pain was NEVER part of God’s original plan. Pain and suffering came into the world as a result of sin – which is why God hates sin! He hates watching His children suffer!

Are you aware of walls of protection around your heart? Choose to take the walls down so that God’s love can flood into the areas of wounding. Trust Him to heal and soften your heart.

Dumping Zone

Most people live in a no dumping zone – they don’t want others to dump their garbage on them. They don’t want to listen to their ongoing problems, frustrations, or anger. But there IS One who will always listen and listen patiently. He will also cleanse us from the defilement of those who have dumped on us and from our own poor choices. He will shower us with His love and acceptance, heal and restore us, and set us on a better path.

All we have to do is go to God. He waits with outstretched arms. So many people think they have to “get right” first but that’s a fallacy. He’s the only One who can make us right. He’s the only One who can take the devastations, disappointments, mistakes, and sin and turn them into something beautiful. He takes what the enemy means for evil and transforms each attack into redemptive beauty in the masterpiece of our lives. Only God can do that for us.

Don’t look to others for what only God can do. Some can come alongside you but God is the only true Healer and Restorer.

So go to Him. Don’t carry around the burdens of your heart, the weight of your soul, or the disappointments of life. Instead, give them to God so that He can transform them into something beautiful for you. He will heal you and restore the damage. He will love on you and bless you beyond what you thought possible. What are you waiting for – run to Him!

The Perfect Gift

The Perfect Gift came about through a conversation. God said to Jesus, “Will you go?” Jesus said “Yes”. Sounds simple but the sacrificial cost of both the question and answer were beyond human understanding.

God asked His only beloved Son to lay aside His divine position in Heaven to come to the earth as a human baby, to submit to imperfect humans, and to suffer horrific torture that would lead to death. As much as God loved Jesus, He loved us too.

The sacrifice of Jesus was the only way to redeem mankind. The Bible tells us that Jesus became sin – our sin! He took all sickness and disease upon Himself. He bore mental and emotional anguish as well as all pain and suffering. He willingly did this for our salvation and freedom – a total package.

Yes, that was the perfect gift. No other gift will ever compare. Pure love asked Jesus to suffer. Pure love responded to the Father. Jesus understood the cost. He also knew it was the only way – the only way to save the human race and to set them free.

Like any gift, we must receive it. The gift has been given to each one of us. Have you received it? You can’t buy it. You can’t earn it. It’s a free gift. We don’t get the Perfect Gift because we deserve it – because we don’t! It’s a gift of pure love. It cost us nothing but cost Him everything!

If you have never received God’s gift, don’t wait! Today is the perfect time for the Perfect Gift!