Feeling Tired, Run Down, Worn Out?

Life has a way of demanding more and if we aren’t careful we can burn out. If you’re seeing the tell-tale signs, it’s time to do an inventory check.

Am I regularly being fed by God’s Word?
Am I eating reasonably nutritious meals?
Am I getting enough sleep?
Am I exercising enough?
Is my life balanced – God, family, friends, work, and relaxation?
Am I doing things that God has NOT called me to do?
Am I not doing things that God HAS called me to do?
Am I taking my concerns, fears, stresses to God?
Am I hearing God’s direction?

Although this is not an extensive check list, it certainly covers most of the reasons we burn out. If we don’t feed our minds and bodies properly we will begin to wear down quickly. Sleep and exercise are important factors as well as balancing our spiritual, social, family, work, and play schedules. Everything either adds or takes away so it’s important to maintain a healthy balance.

There are numerous good works we can all do but the key is: is God calling me to do this? If He isn’t, it’s dead works that can drain us in surprising ways. If we are avoiding something God wants us to do, we will busy ourselves with other things to justify our avoidance.

Life holds many stresses in all different shapes, sizes, colors, and forms. Some are easy to recognize but others slip in under the radar. Talking to God helps get our feelings out so we can deal with them. Listening to God helps us see situations from His prospective. A clearer vision leads to wiser choices. He will lead us if we are willing to follow. Are you ready for a change? God can transform you, refresh you, and make you brand new!

Don’t Wait – Open Now!

When someone gets hurt, the tendency is to close their heart in an attempt to self-protect. That’s a faulty coping mechanism. Closing up your heart doesn’t really keep the hurt out. It may help a little but it will make things worse by keeping love out as well.

Ask God to help you open your heart up. Take down any protective walls you have built. Don’t wait. Start enjoying life now. You can still get hurt but God will heal your pain. The love you will receive from Him and others will be worth it.

We all have a choice – to protect ourselves or to ask God to protect us. He is by far the better protector. He doesn’t violate anyone’s free will but when we ask Him to move on our behalf He does amazing things.

Allow Him to flood your heart with His love. A closed heart indicates a need for healing. Pour your heart out to Him. Let Him heal your wounds and wash away the pain with His comforting love. His love will transform your life!

Don’t Be A Sitting Duck

When we live haphazardly – oblivious to our surroundings – we can easily become a sitting duck. The Bible is very clear that we have a very real enemy so we should be aware of his tactics.

Think about a wolf attacking a sheep or lamb. The predator looks for the weak, the straggler, and perhaps the one who wanders off oblivious to the dangers lurking in the shadows.

Don’t be enticed away from other believers – and especially from God! Follow Him closely. Know Him intimately. Trust Him explicitly and you will find yourself safe in the covering of His love.

Don’t give the enemy room to move in your life. Don’t play around with sin. Instead, ensconce yourself in the presence of God where you can drink in His peace, love, acceptance, and fulfillment.