How Do You Want To Grow?

The Word of God works much like Miracle-Gro. Reading the Word gives you the nutrients you need to grow. It promotes steady, strong growth, enabling you to bear much fruit. That’s God’s plan for your life.

If you refuse the Miracle-Gro, manure becomes your fertilizer of choice. Through the pain, suffering, and hardships of life you will learn lessons the hard way. God weeps when this happens. His plan is the Miracle-Gro method because He doesn’t want you to suffer.

Growth isn’t optional. People were created to grow, and grow they will – the easy way or the hard way. Sometimes we don’t have a choice which fertilizer is used but most of the time we do.

Manure stinks, it’s messy, and dirty. It does work though. I’ve had plenty of manure in my formative years. Wisdom taught me many things, one of which was the power of choice – the choice of Miracle-Gro.

What fertilizer will you use? Choose wisely.

You’re Not A Black Sheep!

Labels are so common, “He’s the black sheep of the family”, “She’s useless”, “He’ll never amount to anything”. I’m sure each of you could name a few more labels people have spoken over you. The problem is – so many believe these negative classifications that weigh heavily upon one’s identity.

Come out from under these typecasts! Stop listening to the naysayers! Who does God say you are? Did you know you are His precious child? Receive that title. Embrace your identity in Him. Don’t let anyone else define you. God made you. He is the Creator and He declares all of His creation good. You are wonderful because He made you, declared you to be so, and paid the highest price for you.

Whose voice will you listen to? Who will you believe? Reject the opinions of others and embrace the truth of your value. Allow God’s words to crown you with royalty and dignity so that you are no longer affected by the ramblings of those who fail to see the gift of God in you.

Bee Careful!

Suddenly, the air was peppered with bees. I’ve never seen so many bees all at once. Within fifteen minutes they were gone. I guess they were just passing through.

That reminds me of the storms of life. Suddenly the storm hits. It seemingly comes from nowhere and wham! Unexpected job loss, cancer, repair bill, and on and on goes the list of storms. Some swiftly come upon us and quickly disappear – just like the bees. Others stick around for a lengthy period of time.

Whatever storm you are facing – God holds your peace. He is the calm in the eye of the storm. He is greater than any storm. He is your Protector. Trust Him. Lean on Him. Look to Him. You will either look at Him or the storm. He offers peace, life, and protection.

The storm hurls fear and death as it tries to ravish your faith.
The storm – like the bees – will pass. God is still on the throne. Fix your eyes upon Him and He will do exceedingly above and beyond what you can imagine.