What’s Coming Out Of Your Mouth?

What’s the first thing that comes out of your mouth when something happens?  What do you say when you find out your friend just got something you’ve been wanting?  Are your words positive or negative?

When you receive an unexpected bill, what do you say?  Do you speak something that’s positive or negative?

When something happens, the words that flow out of our mouth is what comes directly from our heart.  That should give us reason to pause, stop, and think.

Our words can be positive or negative.  They can be faith-filled or full of doubt.  They can be real or fake, nice or mean.  Whatever they are, they are a reflection of what’s in our heart.

Is it time to check your heart?  Maybe it’s time to make some adjustments.  Don’t be down on yourself because you see a problem with your heart.  Be glad that you can see the problem.  You can’t fix what you don’t see as broken or in need of repair.

Turning a blind eye to problems will never accomplish anything good.  Embracing a life-style of learning and growing is what positions us to allow God’s transformation in our lives.

What Is Your Guiding Light?

A lighthouse is a type of tower built on dangerous coastal areas to warn boats and ships. They offer light to safely navigate through the night.

Life has its moments of darkness. Sometimes we can’t see ahead, we don’t know which way to go, or where the danger lies. When it’s a life or death decision or another major decision we are often aware of our need for help. But what about the everyday decisions?

How often do we plod along, doing our own thing? We have a partner that is ready and willing to help us; a supernatural Lighthouse. He shines His light to safely lead us and warns us of impending danger. He will show us the best route to take. Do we follow Him?

Being led by the Spirit of God is very familiar for some but not for others. It’s not hard to follow His leading. We just need to be aware that He is leading us. Have you ever had someone tell you they just went through a difficult time and you thought about them or thought about calling them? That was God trying to lead you – to pray for them and/or connect with them.

Once we recognize God’s leading, following His leading becomes an exciting adventure. He leads us in many ways: by the still small voice, the inner nudging of the heart, thoughts, and through the direction of His Word. Ask God to direct you today. Embark on the adventure.

What Are You Nibbling On?

Most of us have heard the phrase “Everything in moderation.” Well, not everything in moderation is good for you. Just a little may be killing you! A little bit of poison can do a lot of damage in your body. A little bit of wrong thinking can steer you down a path you may regret.

Alcoholics, drug and sex addicts started out with just a little bit. I’m sure they never thought they would lose control and end up where many of them end up – living a life of loss and regret.

Why is it that we think we can make poor choices and not suffer negative consequences? We all do it in at least one area of life and at least once. Most of us do it a little more often.

It’s easy to judge others when we don’t understand what drives them. I don’t understand why a horse would chew on a post. Then again, why do I sometimes eat when I’m full? It’s so easy for our once-in-awhile choices to gain momentum until they are no longer choices we casually make. They become choices that drive our lives.

When people are caught up in these choices, they don’t need our judgment. They need our love, support, and prayers. Can you think of someone who is struggling with a choice that got out of control? How can you support them? How can you encourage them? How can you show the love of God to them? Why not begin by praying a loving, supportive prayer for them.