
Whether it’s family or friends, it’s nice to have loved ones close by.  I was reminded of this when I saw this amazing bird condo by Dan The Birdman. (

Living in community doesn’t necessarily meaning living together; it means being a part of the lives of others.  For instance, if someone is sick, the community surrounds them in prayer and helps where needed.

We aren’t called to live life alone.  God wants us to be there for others.  We all need encouragement and help at some point in our lives.  Community gives people a sense of belonging and an awareness that others care.  It’s a wonderful support system.

I recently spoke at a retirement home where I witnessed a wonderful sense of community in action.  People noticed when others weren’t there.  A few went to get friends they thought would benefit from the talk.  Others discovered someone was ill and made a mental note to check in on them later.  Everyone greeted each other and all were genuinely concerned about the welfare of others.  We don’t have to wait until we retire to have this kind of community.

It doesn’t take much to make a quick call, send an e-mail, or check in on someone.  It costs nothing to pray for those in need.  What a delight for someone not well to receive a meal they didn’t have to make.  Love is expressed in many small ways.  Are you expressing love today?

Think Outside The Box

Boxes and cages are meant for confinement.  Don’t restrict your imagination.  Think outside natural or man-made limitations.  Isn’t that what Jesus did when He turned water into wine?  I think that’s what He did with all the miracles He performed.  He saw what He wanted and then either created it or made it happen.

We can easily get stuck in our boxes when we allow confinement of thinking.  It’s the whole “If I think I can’t; I can’t” idea.  It’s amazing what people can do when they put their mind to it.

Discoveries are made and miracles happen because people take the limitations off of their thinking.  Are you limiting your thinking?  Have you said, “I can’t because…”  In most cases, we can; we just think we can’t.

Change your thinking.  Stretch yourself and think big.  Dream big.  Now think and dream bigger.  Keep stretching!

Something I have encouraged many people to do is make a list of 100 dreams/goals.  Try it.  Start with 10.  Don’t write down what you think you can do or afford to do.  Write these dreams/goals as if time, money, and health were not issues.

Once you start this process, you will be impressed at how you have stepped out of the box.  You will also be amazed at how some of these things begin to happen in your life.   Dream on!

Flowers For Mommy

Did you ever pick “flowers” for your mommy?  Kids naturally love and express their love in many ways.  They may be mad at you one minute but they’re quick to forgive and get back to the love walk.

How’s your love walk?  Are you picking flowers for anyone?  Are you working through your issues so that you can forgive and get back to the love walk?

Sometimes, Christians are the worst for thinking they’ve dealt with things.  Instead, they often bury their offences only to discover eruptions of anger down the road.

We all get angry at times.  Anger isn’t wrong; it’s what we do with the anger.  Do we work through it to the place of forgiveness – which by the way is for our benefit, not for the one who offended us – or do we bury the offence where it festers in our heart?

It’s time to start picking flowers.  If you’re not yet ready, deal with anything that’s preventing you from the joy that awaits you.