Are You Overloaded?

Have you ever felt as though the burdens of the world slipped down on your shoulders? It’s a crushing feeling. We weren’t built to carry all those burdens – we’re to hand them over to God so we can be free. Why lug them around when God is willing to take them?

Put your trust in Him. Give the load – light or heavy – over to Him. Let Him look after things and trust Him to lead you. He holds the solution to every problem. He has the very best plan. He sees the beginning from the end so He knows what’s around the corner. You can trust Him because He is trustworthy. Are you still hanging on? Don’t wait another moment – give Him your burdens.

Now, let Him refresh you. Let Him strengthen your weary bones and your aching muscles. Let Him refresh your soul and heal your wounds. Let Him calm your fears and give you His peace.

Now rest a moment in His love. Allow His love to fill every void in your heart, your mind, and your life. He will fill you to overflowing with a joy that bubbles up inside of you. He loves you, you know.