The Perfect Gift

The Perfect Gift came about through a conversation. God said to Jesus, “Will you go?” Jesus said “Yes”. Sounds simple but the sacrificial cost of both the question and answer were beyond human understanding.

God asked His only beloved Son to lay aside His divine position in Heaven to come to the earth as a human baby, to submit to imperfect humans, and to suffer horrific torture that would lead to death. As much as God loved Jesus, He loved us too.

The sacrifice of Jesus was the only way to redeem mankind. The Bible tells us that Jesus became sin – our sin! He took all sickness and disease upon Himself. He bore mental and emotional anguish as well as all pain and suffering. He willingly did this for our salvation and freedom – a total package.

Yes, that was the perfect gift. No other gift will ever compare. Pure love asked Jesus to suffer. Pure love responded to the Father. Jesus understood the cost. He also knew it was the only way – the only way to save the human race and to set them free.

Like any gift, we must receive it. The gift has been given to each one of us. Have you received it? You can’t buy it. You can’t earn it. It’s a free gift. We don’t get the Perfect Gift because we deserve it – because we don’t! It’s a gift of pure love. It cost us nothing but cost Him everything!

If you have never received God’s gift, don’t wait! Today is the perfect time for the Perfect Gift!