One Touch

This experience at the aquarium makes me think. We were all able to touch the stingrays! Some touched several, some of us waited longer, and some needed help but we stood together until we all enjoyed the experience.

Sometimes it takes determination to make that connection with Jesus. Sometimes we need help. One thing is for sure – if we don’t give up, we’ll make that connection that empowers us to live the life that God has planned for us. Not a life of religion.

The life God has planned for us is full of adventure, success, fulfillment, and rich in peace and joy. He equips us to help others find this rewarding life because He wants everyone to enjoy the experience of life He provides.

Had the little ones refused help, they wouldn’t have experienced the thrill of the moment. Had the adults been impatient or unwilling to help, the kids would have lost out.

Are you experiencing the thrill of the moment that God has planned for you? Tell Him that you want to experience all He has for you. Put aside all preconceived ideas and religious thinking. Stretch out your hand, ask for help, and wait. You won’t be disappointed!