Thinking Outside The Box

How often do we run on autopilot – doing the same thing, the same way? What if we were to stop for a moment and think outside the box? I think we would discover endless possibilities.

Inventors think outside the box. It’s not that difficult once you train yourself to stop and think of other possibilities. Look at Dr. Seuss. Who would have thought that a book about green eggs and ham would become a best seller?

We’re often too quick to discount something that’s just a little different – but what if we were a little more open to thinking outside the box?

How could you do relationships outside the box? Maybe you could surprise your special someone or do something out of the ordinary for your kids, friend, or co-worker.

What more could you contribute at work by thinking outside the box? How would that change your life? Why not give it a try! You’ve got nothing to lose and maybe, just maybe, some adventure to gain.