Who’s Enticing You?

Every day we are enticed to buy brand A over brand B. We are enticed by sales and special deals and coaxed by offers that promise the world. We are tempted by tastes and smells that tickle our pallet and sometimes lured by the bait of the enemy.

Think about some of the decisions you make. How do you reach those decisions? Are you being drawn or led by God or are you lured by the enemy – with his candy-coated poison?

I was able to lure those raccoons because they trusted the owners who faithfully fed them every afternoon. The yard was filled with the little masked bandits. Some dared to eat from my hand but the majority kept at varying distances.

I thoroughly enjoyed this unique experience. They too enjoyed the plethora of peanut butter sandwiches so graciously provided by their trusted friends – even though the meal was delivered by a stranger.

Had I been an enemy, I could have caused great harm. It causes me to think. How often are we so consumed with what we see before us that we don’t look past the enticement to see if it truly is a blessing?