Are You In The Dog House?

We may get into trouble with some people and feel like we are “in the dog house” – but we are never in trouble with God. He loves us!

No matter what we do, God’s love never changes. He realizes that our poor choices are the result of a lack of understanding. If we truly saw how much He loves us and the extent of His love, we would choose to follow His plan for our lives.

Think about the best relationship you could possibly have. A relationship with God is better! God’s not religious. He invented adventure, happiness, joy, success, peace, fulfillment, and so much more. God even created sex – to be enjoyed!

Religion has painted a corrupted picture of who God is. Clever move. It keeps so many people at a distance from the love of their lives. God is the ONLY One who loves people unconditionally – all the time. He is the ONLY One who accepts people – flaws and all. He selflessly created an amazing plan for each one of us but we must push past the lies to connect with Him.

Will you dare to do that? Will you dare to push past any wrong perceptions of God – that you may not even know you have? Try it! You’ll never be disappointed. Simply say to God: Reveal Yourself to me God and show me Your love for me by breaking through all religious and wrong views I have of You. In Jesus’ name. Amen!