Are You Using What You Have?

How often do we want more of something when we aren’t using what we have? God has gifted us in many ways. Are we using those gifts or are they laying dormant?

When we’re using what we have, then we can ask for more. Maybe you don’t know what your gifts are. Ask God! He knows what He put inside you. He knows the plans He prepared for you.

What are you doing to help others? What are your passions? Those are questions that will likely lead you to your gifts. The gifts God placed within you aren’t just for your enjoyment – although He does want you to enjoy them. He wants you to be a blessing to others.

What are you good at? Start helping others. Don’t let your gifts sit on a post – use them! Have fun helping others. Enjoy the process and in time you will see your gifts grow. You will see the impact you are making in the lives of others. It’s all very exciting.

Take inventory to see if you have hung up a gift, walked away, or maybe even buried it. Pick it back up and start using it. You won’t be sorry you did.