Is That Pollution Coming Out of You?

The words of our mouth are either positive or negative; encouraging or discouraging; based on truth or based on circumstances. When we look at situations from God’s perspective we can agree with what He has to say.

We must look at what is coming out of us. Are our words holding us down and polluting others or are we positive and encouraging?

Everyone struggles at times but when we run to God and see what He sees, we can change our view and turn any negativity around. I’m not talking about empty confessions. I’m talking about seeing what God sees and choosing to run with His program.

At the time, the cross did not look good to the disciples but God saw beyond the immediate circumstances. We sometimes get stuck there but God wants us to see what He sees. He took care of all of our problems at the cross of His Son. Can you see that? Can you see past the immediate black cloud of smoke? If not, simply ask God to show you – He will!