You’re Not A Black Sheep!

Labels are so common, “He’s the black sheep of the family”, “She’s useless”, “He’ll never amount to anything”. I’m sure each of you could name a few more labels people have spoken over you. The problem is – so many believe these negative classifications that weigh heavily upon one’s identity.

Come out from under these typecasts! Stop listening to the naysayers! Who does God say you are? Did you know you are His precious child? Receive that title. Embrace your identity in Him. Don’t let anyone else define you. God made you. He is the Creator and He declares all of His creation good. You are wonderful because He made you, declared you to be so, and paid the highest price for you.

Whose voice will you listen to? Who will you believe? Reject the opinions of others and embrace the truth of your value. Allow God’s words to crown you with royalty and dignity so that you are no longer affected by the ramblings of those who fail to see the gift of God in you.