It’s Winter!

Winter can look so pretty but if you’re like me, you don’t like the cold, bundling up, shoveling, and clearing off the car. I love to stay indoors where it’s warm and cozy!

We can experience a season of winter in our lives when our hearts and emotions are iced up and sometimes feel dead – unlike the new life of spring where everything seems fresh and new. During these times of emotional winter, it’s easy to pull away from others and hide our emotions.

Can you relate? Perhaps you know someone who has been avoiding you. We are all busy but sometimes people pull away from us because it’s easier to be alone than it is to be around others. That’s when they need us the most!

Everyone deals differently with problems, losses, and disappointments. This season can be very painful for many people. Family problems, loss, financial strain, illness, and other problems can all factor into feeling isolated and alone.

If you see someone pulling away, ask God how you can touch them. It may be sending a card, phoning them, dropping over for coffee, taking them out for lunch, or numerous other ways of showing you care. Don’t ignore them. Reach out with the love of God and help them heal. After all, you never know when you’ll be in a season of winter. Everyone needs to be touched by the love of God.