Enjoy Life!

You don’t have to travel the world or spend a lot of money to enjoy life. Life is what you make it. You can savor the simple pleasures or sit back wishing you had more, did more, etc.

Embrace the moment. Have fun. Be silly. Let loose. Enjoy life. Obviously there is a time and place to be silly and let loose. We can’t do this all the time but it’s certainly healthy – on many levels – to partake of this memory-building type of fun.

Life is full of various stresses but we don’t have to come under those stresses. We can learn to capture the pleasures in life that are all around us. The Bible talks about a cheerful heart – it puts a smile on your face and it’s like medicine! Relishing simple moments in life is a de-stressor, a pick-me-up, and so much more.

Enjoying life may involve moments of silly little fun but other times it’s delighting in a sunrise or sunset, stopping to smell the flowers, watching a butterfly, or numerous other little pleasures that we all too often overlook.

Sometimes, we need to make adjustments to our lives in order to pull out of the whirlwind of productivity to add some simplistic enjoyment to our lives.

What changes do you need to make in order to experience the life God wants you to enjoy?